Nina Gordon
Nina Gordon
You need to hear the accoustic version of 'Straight outta Compton'. NWA played on the guitar and sung with a lovely voice. It rocks.
Nina Gordon
I bought my tickets to the film festival earlier in the week... Looks like I'm going to see 37 films in the space of 14 days... I can't wait!
Well, that was a long weekend!
Just watched a low budget German film called 'Tears of Kali', it's not too bad, three stories revolving around a cult based in India that may have gone too far!!!! in their quests to find themselves (the italics are supposed to be ironic). It does however feature a woman cutting off her own eyelids with a pair of nail scissors in the first five minutes and then half way through a man removing his own skin with a box-cutter.
If anybody is interested, I've added a link to my LastFM account over on the left there *points* if you want to see what I'm listening to.
Earlier in the week I watched Wolf Creek which is fantastic. Almost the first hour is just character development and you come to like the people involved. Once the shit hits the fan, and it does for the last half hour, it may not be graphic, but holy crap it hurts. I was starting to get quite stressed towards the end!
Was in the UK last weekend to go for drinks with various internet people. Saturday was in London, in a bar in Soho called The Edurance that was absolutely packed. It was also full of pretentious and annoying media types. God I hate them. I got offered free coke by sole complete stranger in the toilets at about 7 in the evening. Of course mate, I'll accept illegal drugs from a complete stranger at no cost. Nothing dodgy about that at all... It was an OK night but not great.
So, another one ends, and I'm exhausted again. On Thursday night I was asleep by 21.30 and slept through to 7.00 but was knackered again in the afternoon. I've bought some vitamins today as I thing I'm getting a bit run down. I just need to remember to take them everyday!
So tired... Was in London on Friday then Oxford on Saturday for lots and lots of gin. Was just getting of the Eurostar on Sunday evening when Douglas texted me to say he'd be in Brussels on Monday evening. We met up for a couple of beers are talked crap until far later than I was expecting to stay out.
Well, I'm back!