Thursday, February 02, 2006

Well, I'm back!

Trip went well, it was a bit of a surprise to arrive at Frankfurt to see snow on the ground and then when approaching Brussels the pilot announced 'the weather is lovely and it's -4 degrees'. I was getting used to the warm weather!

Had a busy week at work but it's over now, I'm off to the UK tomorrow to meet some internet weirdos for drinks in London and then off to Oxford on Saturday for more of the same. I'm looking forward to it, will be nice to see some of the guys again and it's probably the last time before I leave.

Watched 'The Nameless' this evening which is very good and creepy as hell. Fantastic ending too.

Then watched 'Altered States' again. Another great film. Lots of psychadelic religious imagery, all very Jungian with the idea of a shared soul, archetypes and all that. It's a subject that fascinates me, so I always enjoy that film, even if it is not without it's flaws. For instance the 'love conquers all' ending does not really fit with the tone of the rest of the film. But it still contains some fascinating ideas. For instance, if there is such a thing as a collective unconscious, a shared human memory that can be tapped into using either ritual or psychadelics, it would be possible to go back to the start, beyond the birth of man and back to the start of everything. Could that be what some people call god? Merely the collective memory of billions of years of evolution that is stored in out genes? Why not? There are certainly crazier ideas out there. The idea of a shared memory is certainly one that would help explain the commonalities of myths and beliefs from around the world. But then again what is it that makes us human? IS there such a thing as soul or is it just random noise created by sub atomic particles winking in and out of existence at a quantum level? I'm rambling and not making much sense. Time for bed I think!


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