Saturday, January 07, 2006


Hello internet *waves*

A little bit tired and sore today. Was out with the boys last night, as it was Friday and all that. Beers at the Bastoche, a very nice meal at Le Khnopff with, of course a couple of very nice wines. Then to a the Havana Corner for cigars and whiskey, followed by 'one for the road' at le Corto and then one or two more for the road at the Gauguin.... During the evening we decided that a little weekend gastronomique in Champagne should be attempted before April. Hopefully we can fit that in!

Had a bit of a wander to see if fresh air would help. I picked up a 250GB USB hard drive so that I can just put all of my music and junk on it to take with me. Only cost 150 Eur in the sales at Mediamarkt. It's very nice and minimalist and should do the job.

Yesterday was a shitty day at work but I did get my flights booked for the end of the month! We only just managed to get me on a flight as there were virtually no seat left. I'm leaving Brussels on Saturday the 21, flying to Frankfurt and then on to Bangalore direct, arriving at 00.25 on the 22 January. Heading back there was no flight available before 02.15 on Monday the 30 January, arriving back in Brussels at 10.00 in the morning on the Monday.

The timing of the flights is a bit odd and I may be a little tired when I get back. I had a quick look and the trip should give me about 25,000 airmiles already (as it's all business class, you do not want to know the price of the flights). Not a bad start!

Still working on the hotel though as the Taj Gateway is apparently full that week. Hopefully that will be all sorted on Monday. I still need to get a visa, hopefully the required invitation letter from the Indian company will have arrived by then.

Right, I'm going to laze about in the bath and read FHM.

Later dudes.


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