Thursday, June 01, 2006

Quiet day and llamas

A nice quiet day today, there were no calls with New York so I left the office at six. Had a run on the treadmill and as I'm doing reasonably well on the weight front, and mainly because I felt like it, I had dinner in the hotel. Some very nice minced lamb in a spicy gravy.

Still no news on the tax situation by the way. I hope it gets sorted out soon, I've been stating in the hotel for almost two months now and it would be really nice to have a place that's a bit more 'home'.

It's a shame that it's always dark when I come back from work which makes it difficult to take photos. On one of the street corners not far from the office there is a family who have basically set up a small farm. There s a wooden roof and walls leant against a building and they have a couple of cows, several goats, some sheep and what I am fairly sure is a llama. All of this is of course just on the pavement. I must be getting used to it here as I don't find that all that odd anymore.

Oh, and the rains have not really started in Bangalore which, to be honest, is a little disappointing. I was looking forward to a deluge maybe it'll come later. According to the newspaper some parts of the coast have had forty centimeters of rain in forty-eight hours. That's just ridiculous. And fairly cool.


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