Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Root of all evil

I'm just watching the documentary of the same name, presented by Richard Dawkins, who is a brilliant scientist and speaker. It's a fabulous documentary that basically says that the root of most bad things in the world is in fact religion. His proposition that teaching children in religious schools is tantamount to child abuse and that faith could be considered to be a virus will probably upset some people but then religious people shown saying the bible is true an scientific fact is rubbish, that abortion and homosexuality are mortal sins really gets me worked up. The guy defending his friend who killed an abortion doctor made me want to throw things at the screen.

Dawkins is an atheist and proud and his logical approach is the only way to view the subject. People should think for themselves and not credit everything that they do not understand to an invisible entity. The world has moved on, science and reason have replaced the need for superstition but a worrying amount of people throughout the world seem to resist this and keep those irrational beliefs alive through their children.

An excellent program, highly recommended. Yes, its biased but all documentary is, at least Dawkins is logical and passionate. And seeing him rip into some of the fundamentalists of various religions is a great pleasure. And he ends it on a positive note by reminding us that religion and faith actually stop people questioning things. Atheism means that we appreciate the life we have more due to knowing that our time is limited and that through questioning things we can truly enjoy the complexity of the universe and admire its elegance.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm an atheist. Some people don't have the time/the cultural background/the money that you have to pay every month to see the elegance of life because they are starving to death. You're well placed to see that in India...I actually wish those people were religious (and the best person in life isn't so you'll see where my problem is in a second) so they could have some hope...but because they're too bright - just like you by the way - they don't even have an ideal anymore . What's best ?

11:20 pm  
Blogger lonewolf said...

I'm not sure how a true atheist can wish for people to believe in somethng they know does not exist. False hope and meaning is much worse than no hope and meaning.

Events have no meaning and should be experienced and where possible appreciated as such, as a pure experience. You do not need to be able to travel or have money to experience the beauty of a sunset or the laughter of your child. Life is tough for the vast majority of people on the planet and that is just they way it is, that does not mean that everybody is always miserable just because it is not easy to survive. Driving through the poorest areas you see possibly more smiles than in the richer parts of the city.

3:42 pm  

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